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How to take a Quantum Leap


Here is how I make quantum leaps. 

It's a combination of energy work, intention, visualizing, and emanating out the true desire of my heart. That's it. Its energy. Quantum leaps happen because they are energetic. They defy the time space linear continuum, and your energy engages with the energy of the quantum field, which then attracts in a like minded energetic being, energy, or energetic being, and they come together to manifest whatever it is you have been visualizing, having an intention about, is the pure desire of your heart, and even praying about, if you'd like to use that term. Its intention and its energy, and it's the pure desire of your heart. 

About 10 years ago, I can remember Jesus telling me in one of our channeling sessions, that one of the most important things that I had to understand was that the pure desire of my heart was a prayer all on its own. I didn't even have to have words to describe it. Source, that pure energy, that pure desire of my heart spoke directly to source energetically, and Source is able to respond to it, energetically. So you know, when people talk about the magic of the universe, or the universe is for you, not against you and all of that, that's kind of what they're talking about. Because everything's energy, and a lot of times we don't have to limit that energy with our words. We don't have to limit the creative source. We don't have to limit God. We don't have to limit all of the magic, and the beauty, and the manifestation possibilities of the universe with our pea brain, 3D brain. We just don't. 

What we truly want can come from the depths of our heart and energetically, it emanates outward into your field, which is also your auric field, which also emanates out into the quantum field, and other people in the quantum field, or other beings, in the quantum field, at that same frequency, right? Its resonance, it's energy, everything's energy, it's physics. So if you're vibrating at this frequency right here, and someone else, or another being is also vibrating at that frequency, you are going to come into resonance with each other. This is physics. You come into resonance. Now, if you're vibrating at this frequency, and another person is vibrating twice as high at this frequency, there's no resonance because they are at a different frequency than you are and likewise, if you're at this frequency, and there's someone at a lower frequency down here, there's no resonance there either. This is not judgment. This is physics. The law of attraction is literally the law of resonance. So as you emanate out this pure desire of your heart, energetically, it goes out into the field. 

So how do you do that energetically? Let's go back. I said it's a combination of energy work, prayer, if you like that word, intention, and visualization. So this pure intention of your heart, this pure desire, is actually intention and if you're visualizing what you want it to feel like and how you want it to express out into the 3D world, or out into the field, let's just use those words-out into the field, you are emanating out that frequency, that vibration, that feeling that emotion, remember, emotion is energy in motion. You are sending that out, you're radiating it out. 

So the energy work part of this is, first of all, knowing the intention and having that energy in your heart and then charging your energy. So get yourself centered. Get yourself connected to your higher self and get yourself also connected to your heart center, to what it is you want in your heart center. Then you're going to start, I usually go ahead and clear any energy that's not resonant with what it is I'm working with, I clear it out of my field. Then I charge my energy, I might balance my chakras to do that, I might do a chakra charge, I might do half a dozen Quantum Quickies, It's however I'm led to charge my energy in that moment. Then the energy of that visualization, the pure desire of my heart, the frequency of me wanting to offer all of these beautiful -  for example, let's take the furniture in this home that we're selling for the estate sale, someone that I want to have love this furniture and enjoy it like my parents did. So that wish that pure desire of my heart goes out so that a family then can find it and can purchase it. And in fact, that has already happened in one instance. 

I had a person come up to me and say, “I just bought this house in the neighborhood.” I didn't know this person. “I've just bought my house in the neighborhood. I went to the furniture store, it's going to cost $5,000 for me to buy living room furniture and I just don't want to spend that right now. Do you have any living room furniture in that house?” And I said, “As a matter of fact we do. Why don't you come and see if it works for you?” Well, sure enough, it did and he left here with 5 pieces of furniture that perfectly filled his living room for $500. Not $5,000. That's Quantum! That's a 10x, right? That's a 10x savings. He got exactly what he wanted, down the street. He was actually able to take it home in a little cart that he had on the back of his John Deere lawn mower, it was even easy to get home. Talk about quantum. He had it within 24 hours. He stated his desire and had it in his home, 24 hours later. That is quantum. HE made a quantum leap! He plugged into the field. He acted on the feeling that he got, had the courage to contact me, to go ahead and knock on my door and see if it was available and BOOM! It was, because I had already set out the energy wanting to attract someone that would enjoy this furniture. 

That's Quantum. It's not the time space linear construct, that is quantum, that is all energetic. Then the beautiful energetic interaction that we were able to have as he came in and sat on the furniture and tried it. Literally I watched him fall in love with it while he was here. I mean he couldn't get over how beautiful the fabric was and how easy it was for him to get in and out of it; because these guys' knees don't work so great and it needs to be built a certain way so he can be comfortable in it and get out of it with ease and he could! You can't make this stuff up. That's quantum. That's taking a quantum leap. 

So bring quantum leaps into your experience. Don't limit yourself with the time space continuum. Use your energy; what's the pure desire of your heart? Pray, if that works for you. Visualize it, visualize the outcome that you want and the energy that you want to send out so that another person can find that, match it, and find you. That's quantum.

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