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Strengthen Your Energy for the New Normal

Uncategorized Jul 22, 2020

Functioning in the New Normal requires managing our energies. We can ground, center, and strengthen our energy!

This video is about strengthening your energy. 

You are already grounded, from the two videos ago. Grounding Vlog

In the last vlog, you brought in your energies and you centered them. Centering Vlog

Now we're going to strengthen them. 

I know you've seen me do this. I'm making a figure eight. I'm making an Infinity Weave in my Auric Field. 

It's pulling my centered, grounded energy from this highway, from this LifeForce highway, that runs up and down throughout my body. 

It's bringing that LifeForce Energy out into my Auric Field. This not only strengthens my field, it puts my expression better out into the world.

It also protects my body, my physical body. 

I know I'm energy. I know that I'm a chakra system, and a meridian system, and I'm all of this LifeForce Energy, and I'm also compressed energy we call matter. 

My body is compressed energy. 

So it's all affected, anything that I do with my energy fields, affects my body. 

And that means I can make choices to have a healthier body, there's some energetic choices I make. 

  • Being grounded is one of those. 
  • Centering my energy is another one. 
  • Strengthening my fields any way that I can is another one. 

By the way, grounding actually strengthens your field.

Centering actually strengthens your field.

Doing this Infinity Weave is strengthening my Auric Field. 

Now as you're doing this you might find that in closer to your body there's little smaller infinity weave patterns. Or they might even turn into curlicues or circles. 

You're going to find that there's beautiful rings of energy. We call them Tibetan Rings that are right around your body. 

This is yet another layer of our multi-layered multi-dimensional Auric Field.

These energy systems all communicate with each other.

Everything is energy.  

This is quantum; we live in a quantum world.  

All of these energies work together and express outwards into the energy field of that is the world. 

You can be sitting on your couch, and as your energy expresses outward, you can be positively affecting the world because we live in a quantum world. 

Your higher frequencies actually affect the collective consciousness. 

We live in a time of exciting growth and expansion for humanity. 

You can do your part by managing your energies: get grounded; get centered; and strengthen your energy fields.

Express out into the collective consciousness in a positive way so that you're a part of the solution! 

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