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Being Quantum Requires Courage


It takes a lot of courage to live a quantum life. When we live in this quantum realm, where things happen sometimes instantly, often times much quicker than we think, we need to be prepared to take action. So we've set an intention, or we have a pure desire of our heart, that's all energetic, intentions are energy as well. We set that out there, we put it out in the quantum field, and bam! Right?! Like attracts like, what we need starts coming in. Now it is very compressed. It's a feeling of compression, for me. It's a feeling of urgency. There's a feeling of sometimes having difficulty breathing, because so much is happening and it's coming at me so fast, it's hard for me to process it in the linear way that I'm used to processing life, if you will. So the reason I think it requires so much courage is because, this compressed nature of the immediacy of it, as well as the unexpected intensity of the energy - it's intense, it's very intense - and I need to be ready to make decisions like on a dime, and I need to be ready to pivot very rapidly, because someone has made me an offer on the condo and I want to accept it and they want to take possession by a certain date and I'm like, “Holy smokes, I'm a yes!”. Okay, I’m a yes. This buyer was a yes to what they want, to their dream and desire. They’re a yes to what I put out, that I wanted for someone to be blessed by this beautiful condo that I built and remodeled. So we're yes, yes, yes in the universe and that yes, yes, yes feels really intense. So I now have a linear timeline that I get to work with, that is feeling very quick. So this is why I'm talking about courage. It takes a lot of courage to say yes, and then it takes a lot of commitment and faith to move forward in that and continue to take the steps. So I'm letting you know that after my vlog on last week about living in multiple timelines, be prepared to show up with courage because I have found that when I get clarity, and because I'm quantum, the quantum field responds more rapidly than I ever thought was possible, and then for me to accept that and to move forward in it - I get to be very courageous. So when you get clarity, I'm going to recommend you pray for courage. I've been doing a lot of that lately. I'm Connie Kean with Quantum Energy Infusion where everything is energy

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