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Living in Multiple Timelines


I'm living in multiple timelines simultaneously. I mentioned this last time, and I said I’d talk about it more when I get some words around it. I finally have some words to describe what it is I've been experiencing, that has defied linear time and space. It's like my life is in these quantum fields, these morphogenic fields that are these different timelines and one of those fields is that I'm living in South Florida, in two beautiful condominiums. One's my office, one's my home and this is what Jim and I built to spend the rest of our lives - it is really beautiful and precious, and it's our slice of paradise. Another morphogenic field is that I'm moving to Dallas, I have made the decision to move closer to my family, since the loss of Jim and my father and my mother. My number one priority is to live close to family. So my daughter and her two children live in Dallas, so I'm headed there. Another field that I'm living in, is a deeply grieving human body and timeline. This compounded grief that I have experienced from the rapid death of three family members has really had an impact on me and it's important that I still live in this timeline. It would be kind of nice if I could just sort of like do a spiritual bypass and not have to feel all of this stuff. Except that's not how I operate and a spiritual bypass is not energy work. That's not. So that what I'm doing also, was I'm honoring this field of grief that I am experiencing because - come on, I still have a body, I'm still a human being and that's a natural process I get to experience. 

So the other timeline that I'm living in or field - I like to think of these as little morphogenic fields is kind of like how I think of them, because it's not linear, time. Our life and time and space is not linear. It's the, for me, It's living in this field, that is right here, right now. So my other morphogenic field I'm talking about is Quantum Energy Infusion and being Chief Energetic Officer of this company, keeping it running in the midst of everything that's been happening and keeping it alive. Not to mention starting a level two this month and starting a new QEI Method program in October. So there is a lot happening and they're these fields of energy that sometimes intersect with each other, sometimes they don't. The key to me, though, that I finally figured out to surviving this without feeling like I'm losing my mind, because I feel like I'm in four different places at once. Oh, and in addition to moving to Dallas, I'm building and creating the space in which I'm going to live, which is a whole nother experience all by itself and then there's another field that is actually the process of moving and it's helped me, actually, to stay more sane, if you will, to think about these as separate timelines because each one has its own purpose. Each one has its own end game. Each one has a date that we're working towards and yet when I'm working in one of those fields or timelines, I need to be totally focused on the present moment. Otherwise, I lose my mind - That's what I was gonna say - I mean, I'm so overwhelmed, I can't do anything, because there are so many different fields functioning at all the same time that I can't keep track of them. I can't unless I'm fully aware in the present moment with what's right in front of me with this moment right in front of me. I am not able to function very well. 

So this is what I was experiencing on the last vlog when I said I'm living in two timelines, and I wasn't really sure how to describe it. So now I can describe it and now I believe, for me, that I have found a solution to function in multiple timelines and still be effective and be effective in all of them. So if you're having an experience kind of like this, I mean, come on. The cosmos is expanding. Everything is spinning faster, frequencies are coming in, light codes are coming in, M flares and X flares are happening and they're bombarding the earth in our atmosphere. All of this to say that the frequency is rising, and like with a rising tide, all the boats rise. So we are all rising with these higher frequencied energies. And for you, it might look like this. It might look like what it looks like for me, where I am not stuck in one timeline. Because my dream, my hope, my desire, my visualization has created this field over here that says Dallas, and because I have one that says Dallas, the same dream, a different - well, part of the same - dream, the other side of the coin is, that means I sell the homes I'm living in now, and that's its own whole experience. So I want you to start perhaps, if you're having a hard time keeping up with your life, perhaps this model might serve you. It's what I'm working with now and it seems to help me stay focused and functional, and sane, because that's saying a lot in our world today. I'm Connie Kean with Quantum Energy Infusion where everything is energy

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