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Feel bad? Your FQ is accelerating!

Uncategorized Jul 05, 2023

If you feel tired or achy or dizzy or weird, watch this.  There is nothing wrong with you! 



00:55 - Possible Signs of Acceleration 


3:35 - Signs Continued

5:45 - 3 Ways to Move Through the Energy 

5:55 - Work With Your Spleen Meridian 

7:00 - Work With Your Kidney Meridian 

7:32 - Work With Your Liver Meridian


I feel really weird most of the time. I have so many signs of my frequency accelerating while we're living in these high frequencies, the solar flares, and the full moons. We just went through the July 3rd Full Moon, we're coming into the 7/7 portal, and we will step right into the Lions Gate energies; now it doesn't matter if you're listening to this, this week or in December because the energies that are coming in, come here to stay. It's not like it's just gonna be like this for a couple of days and then we go back to whatever normal was. That's gone. That ship has sailed. So all of these high frequency energies that are coming in; the solar flares in their M class and X class, and I took a direct hit from one of those (I don't know if that hits you like that) but all of a sudden, I will be like, “Oh my gosh, I have to go lay down!”.


00:55 - Possible Signs of Acceleration

I have pressure in my head. I've got pressure behind my ears and my neck. I'm struggling with vision. I'm finding that if I work very long, my vision gets blurry. My eyes are dry. I have friends right now that are experiencing massive, what would be considered allergy symptoms, a lot of sneezing, a lot of eye watering. I'm not experiencing that. My husband would also experience vertigo at times like this. So those are samples of your signs of your frequency accelerating in the head area. Other parts of the body, joint pain. I'm having a lot of joint pain in my thumbs, and in my hands, and in my elbows. I haven't ever had that before, so I know that is also part of these high frequency energies coming in. You know and they're coming into our meatsuit. This is the whole plan. This ascension, this physical ascension, or as Jesus talked to me about it, the rise in the collective consciousness, the shift in the collective consciousness happens because we are embodying these higher frequencies. So that means that the density of your body and your physicality is supposed to receive these high frequencies, it's part of the plan, if you will, of this great cosmic awakening. So as those of us that choose to be aware of what's happening right now, if we're already Lightworkers or high frequency beings, I kind of thought I would be immune to this because my frequency is already so high. That's not it at all, man. It's kicking my butt, and like I said, some of those M class and those X class flares go off and I will all of a sudden, I don't have to go sit down, or go lay down and I mean maybe for like 20 minutes. It's like I'm in a stupor when those flares go off. It's so interesting because I don't track them. Except that I might, if I'm laying down or something, I might open up Facebook and somebody goes, “M class flare just went off 30 minutes ago”, and I’m like, that was it. That was exactly what I felt. So you may be experiencing those and not even knowing it and just think you're losing your mind. Because that's kind of how I was before, I said, “How can I possibly be fine 30 seconds ago and right now I feel like I'm going to fall over?” That's how.



So our bodies, the density of our bodies, and now when I say our bodies, I mean our cells or tissues, our organs. I'm not just talking about, your chakra system is up-leveling, I'm talking about the density of your body, and all of the physicality, and your skeletal structure, and everything that goes with it and your muscles; so that's how come everything is affected.


3:35 - Signs Continued

So maybe you're more affected by muscle pain, or joint pain, or like my husband, you'd have an allergy attack and then 20 minutes later, he'd be fine. So it wasn't allergies at all. It was signs of his frequency accelerating. The other thing I'm experiencing is a lot of swelling in my body, and especially in my legs and feet. So I find myself having to stop what I'm doing sometimes, go lay down, and stick my legs straight up the wall to get the energy to come down out of my feet and to encourage and help my lymph system. You know, your lymph system metabolizes all of this stuff in your body, and with everything that's happening, all of the detoxing that's going on, and with our bodies shifting so rapidly as we're jumping these timelines; I mean, the New Earth is here and a lot of us are experiencing it and our bodies are trying to catch up with what our brains know and what our souls know, as it is just running as fast as it can to become higher frequency. So there's a lot of work in the density of the body, there's a couple of ways that happens, one is as these higher frequencies come in, the lower vibrating frequencies simply cannot survive and they fall away and they just go out neutralizing in the field. Sometimes I literally feel them incinerating like it's an active, energetic part of this process, and I will have an old memory come up, an old trauma, and it's like it's alchemized. It's alchemized and I feel like it goes up in smoke. It's fascinating. So there's different ways that you can experience these high frequencies coming in, and your body accommodating them, and integrating them. So I think the best way for us to accommodate all of this experience, that is not going to change by the way,  it’s not like you can just go in a fetal position, lay down and get away from it, It's everywhere, it's penetrated. It penetrated the atmosphere, and the planet, and our beingness; So let's make the best of it and figure out ways that we can move through this easier. 


5:45 - 3 Ways to Move Through the Energy 

So I'm gonna give you three ways right now that work very well for me, especially if I have swelling and edema in my body. 


5:55 - Work With Your Spleen Meridian 

One of them is to work with my Spleen meridian. So the ending point in the Spleen meridian is- Spleen 21- It's right here underneath the arm. The Spleen comes up the body and Spleen 20 - The Spleen 20 point - is right here, almost where your bra straps are. So imagine, a man if you don't have one, on a woman right here. So there's Spleen 20. You can give it a rub and then you can come down and you could thump Spleen 21. So these are the endpoints of the Spleen Meridian which governs metabolism in your body. Now that's metabolism of food, of any supplements you take, of your thoughts, of your emotions, of your actions, of your experiences;  No wonder your Spleen is overloaded and your Spleen governs your lymph system. So keep that Spleen moving, give her some love. I like to think about - here, I'm just rubbing with my knuckles - sometimes I cross my hands over my body. It's always good to cross the midline of your body when you're doing energy work. Oh, that feels terrific. It made me take a deep breath. So I'm deeply massaging Spleen 20 and then I'll bring it down and thump Spleen 21, is the ending.


7:00 - Work With Your Kidney Meridian 

The other thing is your Kidney. Here's another tapping point, your Kidneys, K 27. The ending of your Kidney meridian is right here under the collarbone. Right, Yep, on either side of your sternum, so you can give that a rub, and you can actually, you can get your knuckle, and you can go right in there and really open up that. This will get the energy going in your Kidney meridian, which actually begins in your feet, comes up here, but it kick starts your meridian system, because the Kidney is the first of the 12 meridians that the energy runs through. 


7:32 - Work With Your Liver Meridian

And then last but not least, your Liver meridian. Man, it's working itself so hard with all of these toxins. So right where your ribs are, and women if you wear a bra with an underwire, it's right there, it's right where the underwire hits. So a lot of times I just have to lift my underwire and press right there, it would be right underneath where your nipples are; So the Liver meridian ends here and you can make a three finger notch and hold both Liver meridians. There's a meridian on each side of the body. I know when it makes me take a deep breath like that, that there's energy that's been moving. You can activate those three meridians to help your body, as you have all of these signs of your frequency accelerating, you can enlist those three Yin meridians to help your body move the energy. That would be your Liver, your Spleen and your Kidney, with all of those three meridians. I hope that helps and just know this isn't going away. So we get to figure out the best way we can, to live with these signs of our frequency accelerating, because this is it! This is how we work up and we embody these high frequencies, so we can BE the new earth, in the New Earth, living in these beautiful energies.


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