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10 Weeks!

Uncategorized Jun 14, 2023

The estate sale is complete. We had hundreds of people come to Mom and Dad's home to view the contents of their home and purchase what they wanted to remember them by. People left with furniture, with Waterford, crystal, plate collections - It was so much fun to see the hundreds of people that came, and they came in this energy of excitement and love and remembrance. So many people spoke to me about my parents and how much they meant to them in their lives. It was really beautiful to have that experience and the energy of the sale was smooth. It was very intense and people were patient, they were kind, they were generous. It was like each person came and found exactly what they wanted to have a remembrance of my mother and father. It was a beautiful, beautiful experience. So all of that energy work we did ahead of time, where we energized and magnetized and quantumized paid off in such a beautiful way since everything is energy, because the energy of the sale was exquisite.

I've been here 10 weeks. That is a long time, that's the entire second quarter for QEI and I fly back on Saturday morning. I fly back to where I live in Florida, of course this has been my home, that I considered for decades, the home base, and it is being purchased by a family that will be blessed by it as much as our family was, I feel certain of that, and I'm now in the stages of doing the actual cleaning and preparing it for them. Their moving trucks arrive on Saturday  and I want the home beautiful, just like my mom would want it, we call it “Mimi Clean”. My children and grandchildren called her “Mimi” and we want it “Mimi Clean” for the new people. So we're really looking forward to inviting them in and we're in the process - they're laying new carpet upstairs - so it's been a flurry of activity here. Perhaps more like a tornado of activity, with the sale on Friday and Saturday and then Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, clearing the house out. Then today and tomorrow the cleaning and the preparation for the new people, the new owners who will be so blessed by this beautiful place, and I want to give you a look at my mother's roses that are so beautiful right here and a look at the golf course because when I filmed this 10 weeks ago, it was early April. Since then, we're in full summer glory here in Galesburg, Illinois, where I grew up. 

I'm so grateful for this experience. It's been an odyssey, I don't know how else to describe it. The personal journey of me going through mom and dad's belongings and finding deeds, their first property they purchased as a married couple, and my dad's optometric licenses from 1955; they had those on file, and a lot of beautiful things. Beautiful cards that they kept that I wrote to them or my brother wrote to them. My brother passed away in 1978 in a car accident, and I came across his things that my parents had kept, and a lot of them I had not seen. I was able to read a lot of letters that he wrote my parents back in the 70s and the love letters between my brother and his girlfriend. It was magnificent to make this journey back into time, and with the photographs that go back several generations. It's been a real odyssey, is the best way I can describe this, all the way back through generations of family, and through both of my parents lives, and through their lives together, and then their lives as they presented with their families. Yeah, one was in Illinois and one was in Michigan. It's been magnificent. 

The next vlog is going to come from Florida. I will be so glad to be back in my home. And it is with love, and grace, and a tremendous amount of gratitude that I say goodbye to my family home in Galesburg, Illinois.

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